Provita Protect 100ml

Special Precautions


Provita Protect is the only veterinary licensed probiotic licensed for diarrhoea in calves.  It contains three specially selected lactic acid forming bacterial strains which are able to survive and multiply within the intestine, providing protection for the animal against less desirable bacteria.  By supplying high intakes of these beneficial bacteria, the intestinal well-being of the animal is established and maintained, thereby minimising the incidence of scours in growing calves.

When to use Provita Protect

At Birth Use as soon as possible after birth to establish a beneficial population of micro-organisms in the digestive tract.  A calf's intestine which has been colonised by beneficial bacteria is less susceptible to infection from common farm pathogens which can cause major digestive upsets and scours.


Bought-in Calves Administer to bought-in calves on arrival at the farm. Bought-in calves are subjected to a great deal of stress, including separation from the dam, travel, coming into contact with other calves from a variety of sources and changes in diet. These factors increase the susceptibility of bought-in calves to disease by infection, which may be prevented by a dose of Provita Protect immediately on arrival.